APE-GAN: Adversarial Perturbation Elimination with GAN
GB/T 7714 Shen S, Jin G, Gao K, et al. Ape-gan: Adversarial perturbation elimination with gan[J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:1707.05474, 2017.
MLA Shen, Shiwei, et al. "Ape-gan: Adversarial perturbation elimination with gan." arXiv preprint arXiv:1707.05474 (2017).
APA Shen, S., Jin, G., Gao, K., & Zhang, Y. (2017). Ape-gan: Adversarial perturbation elimination with gan. arXiv preprint arXiv:1707.05474.
Although neural networks could achieve state-of-the-art performance while recongnizing images, they often suffer a tremendous defeat from adversarial examples–inputs generated by utilizing imperceptible but intentional perturbation to clean samples from the datasets. How to defense against adversarial examples is an important problem which is well worth researching. So far, very few methods have provided a significant defense to adversarial examples. In this paper, a novel idea is proposed and an effective framework based Generative Adversarial Nets named APE-GAN is implemented to defense against the adversarial examples. The experimental results on three benchmark datasets including MNIST, CIFAR10 and ImageNet indicate that APE-GAN is effective to resist adversarial examples generated from five attacks.
1 Introduction
Deep neural networks have recently achieved excellent performance on a variety of visual and speech recognition tasks. However, they have non-intuitive characterisitics and intrinsic blind spots that are easy to attack using obscure manipulation of their input[6, 11, 19, 26]. In many cases, the structure of the neural networks is strongly related to the training data distribution, which is in contradiction with the network’s ability to achieve high generalization performance.
Szegedy et al. [26] first noticed that imperceptible perturbation of test samples can be misclassified by neural networks. They term this kind of subtly perturbed samples “adversarial examples”. In contrast to noise samples, adversarial examples are imperceptible, designed intentionally, and more likely to cause false predictions in the image classification domain. What is more serious is that adversarial examples transfer across models named transferability, which can be leveraged to perform black-box attacks[14, 19]. In other words, an adversary can find the adversarial examples generated from substitute model trained by the adversary and apply it to attack the target model. Howerver, so far, transferability is mostly appears on small datasets, such as MNIST and CIFAR10. Transferability over large scale datasets, such as ImageNet, has yet to be better understood. Therefore, in this paper, black-box attacks is not taken into consideration, and resisting the white-box attacks (the adversary has complete access to the target model including the architecture and all paramaters) is the core work of the paper.
Adversarial examples pose potential security threats for practical machine learning applications. Recent research has shown that a large fraction of adversarial examples are classified incorrectly even when obtained from the cellphone camera[11]. This makes it possible that an adversary crafts adversarial images of traffic signs to cause the self-driving cars to take unwanted actions[20]. Therefore, the research of resisting adversarial examples is very significant and urgent.
Until now, there are two classes of approaches to defend against adversarial examples. The straightforward way is to make the model inherently more robust with enhanced training data as show in Figure 2 or adjusted learning strategies. Adversarial training [6, 27] or defensive distillation [18, 22] belongs to this class. It is noteworthy that the original defensive distillation is broken by Carlini and Wagner’s attack [2], however, which can be resisted by the extending defensive distillation. In addition, the faultiness original adversarial training remains highly vulnerable to transferred adversarial examples crafted on other models which is discussed in the ensemble adversarial training, and the model trained using ensemble adversarial training are slightly less robust to some white-box attacks. The second is a series of detection mechanisms used to detect and reject an adversarial sample[4, 15]. Unfortunately, Carlini et al. [1] indicate that adversarial examples generated from Carlini and Wagner’s attack are significantly harder to detect than previously appreciated via bypassing ten detection methods. Therefore, defensing against adversarial examples is still a huge challenge.
到目前为止,有两类方法来抵御敌对的例子。直接的方法是通过增强的训练数据(如图2所示)或调整学习策略,使模型本质上更加健壮。对抗性训练[6,27]或防御蒸馏[18,22]属于这一类。值得注意的是,最初的防御蒸馏被Carlini和Wagner的攻击[2]所打破,但可以通过扩展防御蒸馏来抵抗。此外,原有对抗训练的不完善性在集成对抗训练中讨论的其他模型上的转移对抗实例时仍然很脆弱,而使用集成对抗训练的模型对某些白盒攻击的鲁棒性稍差。第二种是一系列检测机制,用于检测和拒收敌对样本[4,15]。不幸的是,Carlini等人[1]指出,从Carlini和Wagner s攻击中生成的对抗例子明显比以前通过10种检测方法更难检测。因此,防范敌对的例子仍然是一个巨大的挑战。
Misclassification of the adversarial examples is mainly due to the intentionally imperceptible perturbations to some pixels of the input images. Thus, we propose an algorithm to eliminate the adversarial perturbation of input data to defense against the adversarial examples. The adversarial perturbation elimination of the samples can be defined as the problem of learning a manifold mapping from adversarial examples to original examples. Generative Adversarial Net (GAN) proposed by Goodfellow et al[5] is able to generate images similar to training set with a random noise. Therefore, we designed an framework utilizing GAN to generate clean examples from adversarial examples. Meanwhile, SRGAN[13], the successful application of GAN on super-resolution issues, provides a valuable experience to the implementation of our algorithm.
In this paper, an effective framework is implementated to eliminate the aggressivity of adversarial examples before being recognized, as shown in Figure 2. The code and trained models of the framework are available on https://github.com/ shenqixiaojiang/APE-GAN, so we welcome new attacks to break our defense.
在本文中,实现了一个有效的框架来消除敌对例子在被识别前的攻击性,如 图2。框架的代码和训练模型可以在https://github.com/ shenqixiaojiang/APE-GAN上找到,所以我们欢迎新的攻击来打破我们的防御。
This paper makes the following contributions:
A new perspective of defending against adversarial examples is proposed. The idea is to first eliminate the adversarial perturbation using a trained network and then feed the processed example to classification networks.
An effective and reasonable framework based on the above idea is implemented to resist adversarial examples. The experimental results on three benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness.
The proposed framework possesses strong applicability. It can tackle adversarial examples without knowing what target model they are constructed upon.
The training procedure of the APE-GAN needs no knowledge of the architecture and parameters of the target model.
ape- gan的训练过程不需要了解目标模型的结构和参数。
2 Related Work
In this section, methods of generating adversarial examples that are closely related to this work is briefly reviewed. In addition, GAN and its connection to our method will be discussed.
In the remaining of the paper we use the following notation and terminology:
X - the clean image from the datasets
f- the classifier mapping from input image to a discrete label set.
Non-targeted adversarial attack - the goal of it is to slightly modify clean image that it will be classified incorrectly by classifier.
Targeted adversarial attack - the goal of it is to slightly modify source image that it will be classified as specified target class by classifier.
2.1 Methods Generating Adversarial Examples
In this subsection, six approaches we utilized to generate adversarial images are provided with a brief description.
2.1.1 L-BFGS Attack
2.1.1 L-BFGS攻击
The optimization problem can be formulized as:
minimize~~\lambda\cdot\lVert D(x)-x \rVert_{2}^{2}+J(D(x),y_{fool})~subject ~to~D(x)\in[0,1]\tag{1}
minimize~~\lambda\cdot\lVert D(x)-x \rVert_{2}^{2}+J(D(x),y_{fool})~subject ~to~D(x)\in[0,1]\tag{1}
The constant λ > 0 controls the trade-off between the perturbation’s amplitude and its attack power which can be found with line search.
恒定的扰动> 0控制了扰动振幅与攻击能力之间的平衡,通过线性搜索可以得到扰动的攻击能力。
2.1.2 Fast Gradient Sign Method Attack (FGSM)
Goodfellow et al.[6] proposed this method to generate adversarial images under L∞ distance metric.
Given the input X the fast gradient sign method generates the adversarial images with :
X^{adv}=X+\epsilon\cdot sign(\triangledown_{X}J(X,y_{true}))\tag{2}
X^{adv}=X+\epsilon\cdot sign(\triangledown_{X}J(X,y_{true}))\tag{2}
The Eqn.2 indicates that all pixels of the input X are shifted simultaneously in the direction of the gradient with a single step. This method is simpler and faster than other methods, but lower attack success rate since at the beginning, it was designed to be fast rather than optimal.
2.1.3 Iterative Gradient Sign
An straightforward way introduced by Kurakin et al.[11] to extend the FGSM is to apply it several times with a smaller step size α and the intermediate result is clipped by the ε. Formally,
X_{0}^{adv}=X,\\ X_{N+1}^{adv}=Clip_{X,\epsilon}\{ X_{N}^{adv}+\alpha\cdot sign(\triangledown_{X}J(X_{N+1}^{adv},y_{true}))\}\tag{3}
X_{0}^{adv}=X,\\ X_{N+1}^{adv}=Clip_{X,\epsilon}\{ X_{N}^{adv}+\alpha\cdot sign(\triangledown_{X}J(X_{N+1}^{adv},y_{true}))\}\tag{3}
2.1.4 DeepFool Attack
2.1.4 DeepFool攻击
DeepFool is a non-targeted attack introduced by MoosaviDezfooli et al [16]. It is one of methods to apply the minimal perturbation for misclassification under the L2 distance metric. The method performs iterative steps on the adversarial direction of the gradient provided by a locally linear approximation of the classifier until the decision hyperplane has crossed. The objective of DeepFool is
minimize~~\lVert D(x)-x \rVert_{2}\\~subject ~to~argmax~f(D(x))\neq y_{true}\tag{4}
minimize~~\lVert D(x)-x \rVert_{2}\\~subject ~to~argmax~f(D(x))\neq y_{true}\tag{4}
Although it is different from L-BFGS, the attack can also be seen as a first-order method to craft adversarial perturbation.
2.1.5 Jacobian-Based Saliency Map Attack(JSMA)
The targeted attack is also a gradient-based method which uses the gradient to compute a saliency score for each pixel. The saliency score reflects how strongly each pixel can affect the resulting classification. Given the saliency map computed by the model’s Jacobian matrix, the attack greedily modifies the most important pixel at each iteration until the prediction has changed to a target class. This attack seeks to craft adversarial perturbation under L0 distance metric [21].
2.1.6 Carlini and Wagner Attack(CW)
2.1.6 Carlini 和 Wagner 攻击(CW)
There are three attacks for the L0, L2 and L∞ distance metric proposed by Carlini et al.[2] Here, we just give a brief description of L2 attack. The objective of L2 attack is
minimize~~\lVert \frac{1}{2}(tanh(\omega)-x) \rVert_{2}^{2}\\~+c\cdot l(\frac{1}{2}(tanh(\omega)+1))\tag{5}
minimize~~\lVert \frac{1}{2}(tanh(\omega)-x) \rVert_{2}^{2}\\~+c\cdot l(\frac{1}{2}(tanh(\omega)+1))\tag{5}
where the loss function l is defined as
l(D(x))=max(max\{ Z(D(x))_{i}:i\neq t \}-Z(D(x))_{t},-k)\tag{5.1}
l(D(x))=max(max\{ Z(D(x))_{i}:i\neq t \}-Z(D(x))_{t},-k)\tag{5.1}
The Z is the logits of a given model and κ is used to control the confidence of adversarial examples. As κ increases, the more powerful adversarial examples become. The constant c can be chosen with binary search which is similar to λ in the L-BFGS attack.
Z是一个给定的分对数模型和κ用于控制敌对的例子的信心。随着κ增加,敌对的例子会变得更加强大。 常数c可以通过二分查找来选择,类似于L-BFGS攻击中的伪变量。
The Carlini and Wagner’s attack is proved by the authors that it is superior to other published attacks. Then, all the three attacks should be taken into consideration to defense against.
In addition, we use CW-L0, CW-L2, CW-L∞ to represent the attack for the L0, L2 and L∞ distance metric respectively in the following experiments.
2.2 Generative Adversarial Nets
Generative Adversarial Net (GAN) is a framework incorporating an adversarial discriminator into the procedure of training generative models. There are two models in the GAN: a generator G that is optimized to estimate the data distribution and a discriminator D that aims to distinguish between samples from the training data and fake samples from G.
The objective of GAN can be formulized as a minimax value function V (G, D):
min(G)max(D)V(G,D)=\mathbb{E}_{X\sim pdata(X)}[logD(x)]+\mathbb{E}_{z\sim p_{z}(z)[log(1-D(G(z)))]}\tag{6}
GAN的目标可以化为极小值函数V (G, D):
min(G)max(D)V(G,D)=\mathbb{E}_{X\sim pdata(X)}[logD(x)]+\mathbb{E}_{z\sim p_{z}(z)[log(1-D(G(z)))]}\tag{6}
GAN has been known to be unstable to train, often resulting in generators that produce nonsensical outputs since it is difficult to maintain a balance between the G and D.
GAN 在训练中是不稳定的,经常导致发电机产生荒谬的输出,因为很难保持G和D之间的平衡。
The Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Nets (DCGAN)[23] is a good implementation of the GAN with convolutional networks that make them stable to train in most settings.
深度卷积生成对抗网 [23]是GAN的一个很好的实现,它带有卷积网络,可以使它们在大多数设置中稳定地训练。
Our model in this paper is implemented based on DCGAN owing to its stability. The details will be discussed in the following section.
3 Our Approach
The fundamental idea of defending against adversarial examples is to eliminate or damage of the trivial perturbations of the input before being recognized by the target model.
The infinitesimal difference of adversarial image and clean image can be formulated as:
\lVert X^{adv}-X \rVert=\eta\tag{7}
\lVert X^{adv}-X \rVert=\eta\tag{7}
Ideally, the perturbations η can be got rid of from Xadv . That means the distribution of Xadv is highly consistent with X.
理想情况下,可以从Xadv中消除扰动 。 这意味着Xadv的分布与X高度一致。
The global optimality of GAN is the consistence of the generative distribution of G with samples from the data generating distribution:
The procedure of converging to a good estimator of pdata coincides with the demand of the elimimation of adversarial perturbations η.
Based on the above analysis, a novel framework based GAN to eliminate the adversarial perturbations is proposed. We name this class of architectures defending against adversarial examples based on GAN, adversarial perturbation elimination with GAN(APE-GAN), as shown in Figure 2.
基于以上分析,提出了一种基于 提出了消除对抗性摄动的GAN。我们将这类抵御基于GAN的敌对示例的架构命名为使用GAN(APE-GAN)消除敌对干扰,如图2所示。
The APE-GAN network is trained in an adversarial setting. While the generator G is trained to alter the perturbation with tiny changes to the input examples, the discriminator D is optimized to seperate the clean examples and reconstructed examples without adversarial perturbations obtained from G. To achieve this, a task specified fusion loss function is invented to make the adversarial examples highly consistent with original clean image manifold.
APE-GAN 网络是在敌对环境下训练的。在发电机G训练改变微小变化的扰动输入的例子,鉴别器D优化分离干净的例子和重建的例子没有敌对的扰动来自G .为了达到这个目标,一个任务指定融合损失函数是发明使敌对的例子非常符合原来的清廉形象歧管。
3.1 Architecture
A discriminator network DθD along with GθG is defined to solve the adversarial zero sum problem:
min(\theta G)max(\theta D)V(G,D)=\mathbb{E}_{X\sim pdata(X)}logD_{\theta D}(X)-\\ \mathbb{E}_{E^{adv}\sim P_{G}(X^{adv})log(D_{\theta _{D}(D_{\theta _{D}(X^{adv})})})}\tag{10}
min(\theta G)max(\theta D)V(G,D)=\mathbb{E}_{X\sim pdata(X)}logD_{\theta D}(X)-\\ \mathbb{E}_{E^{adv}\sim P_{G}(X^{adv})log(D_{\theta _{D}(D_{\theta _{D}(X^{adv})})})}\tag{10}
The general idea behind this formulation is that it allows one to train a generative model G with the goal of deceiting a differentiable discriminator D that is trained to tell apart reconstructed images G(Xadv) from original clean images. Consequently, the generator can be trained to produce reconstructed images that are highly similar to original clean images, and thus D is unable to distinguish them.
The general architecture of our generator network G is illustrated in Figure 2. Some convolutional layers with stride = 2 are leveraged to get feature maps with lower resolution and followed by some deconvolutional layers with stride = 2 to recover the original resolution.
我们的生成网络G的总体架构如图2所示。利用stride = 2的卷积层得到低分辨率的feature map,然后利用stride = 2的反卷积层恢复原始分辨率。
To discriminate original clean images from reconstructed images, we train a discriminator network. The general architecture is illustrated in Figure 2. The discriminator network is trained to solve the maximization problem in Equation 10. It also contains some convolutional layers with stride = 2 to get some high-level feature maps, two dense layers and a final sigmoid activation function to obtain a probability for sample classification.
为了区分原始的干净图像和重建图像,我们训练一个鉴别器网络。一般的体系结构如图2所示。通过训练鉴别器网络来求解公式10中的最大化问题。它还包含了一些convolutional layer, stride = 2可以得到一些高级的feature map,两个稠密的layer和一个最终的sigmoid activation function,可以得到样本分类的概率。
The specific architectures on MNIST,CIFAR10 and ImageNet are introduced in the experimental setup.
3.2 Loss Function
3.2.1 Discriminator Loss
According to Equation 10, the loss function of discriminator , ld is designed easily:
3.2.2 Generator Loss
The definition of our adversarial perturbation elimination specified loss function lape is critical for the performance of our generator network to produce images without adversarial perturbations. We define lape as the weighted sum of several loss functions as:
which consists of pixel-wise MSE(mean square error) loss and adversarial loss. 它包括像素级均方误差损失和对抗性损失。
Content Loss: Inspired by image super-resolution method[13], the pixel-wise MSE loss is defined as:
Adversarial perturbations can be viewed as a special noise constructed delicately. The most widely used loss for image denoising or super-resolution will be able to achieve satisfactory results for adversarial perturbation elimination.
表1:由目标模型和的五种方法生成的对抗性例子的错误率(%) 在MNIST, CIFAR10和Imagenet上的APE-GAN。在实验中报告了目标模型对干净图像的错误率。
4 Evaluation
The L-BFGS, DeepFool, JSMA, FGSM, CW including CW-L0 CW-L2 CW-L∞ attacks introduced in the related-work are resisted by APE-GAN on three standard datasets: MNIST[12], a database of handwritten digits has 70,000 28x28 gray images in 10 classes(digit 0-9), CIFAR10[10], a dataset consists of 60,000 32x32 colour images in 10 classes, and ImageNet[3], a largeimage recognition task with 1000 classes and more than 1,000,000 images provided.
在三个标准数据集:MNIST[12]上,一个手写体数字数据库拥有10个类别(数字)的70,000张28x28灰度图像,该数据库中引入的L-BFGS、DeepFool、JSMA、FGSM、CW攻击包括CW- l0 CW- l2 CW- l∞攻击被APE-GAN抵抗 0-9), CIFAR10[10],一个数据集包含60000个32x32彩色图像,10个类,ImageNet[3],一个有1000个类以上的大型图像识别任务 1000000张图片。
It is noteworthy that the adversarial samples cannot be saved in the form of picture, since discretizing the values from a real-numbered value to one of the 256 points seriously degrades the quality. Then it should be saved and loaded as float32.
4.1 Experimental Setup
4.1.1 Input
The input samples of target model can be classified into adversarial input obtained from attack approaches and benign input which is taken into account by the traditional deep learning framework including clean images and clean images added with random noise. Adding random noise to original clean images is the common trick used in data augmentation to improve the robustness, but does not belong to the standard training procedures of target model. Hence, it is not shown in Figure 2.
Benign Input: The full test set of MNIST and CIFAR10 are utilized for the evaluation while results on ImageNet use a random sample of 10,000 RGB inputs from the test set. In addition, Gaussian white noise of mean 0 and variance 0.05 is employed in the following.
4.1.2 Target Models
表2:MNIST、CIFAR10和Imagenet上的目标模型和APE-GAN良性输入的错误率(单位为%)。这里的目标模型分别为model C、DenseNet40、InceptionV3,与FGSM攻击MNIST、CIFAR10和Imagenet的目标模型相同
In order to provide the most accurate and fair comparison, whenever possible, the models provided by the authors or libraries should be used.
MNIST: We train a convolutional networks (denoted A in the Appendix) for L-BFGS and DeepFool attacks. For CW attack, the model is provided by Carlini (denoted B in the Appendix). For FGSM and JSMA attacks, the model is provided by cleverhans (denoted C in the Appendix). The 0.9%, 0.5% and 0.8% error rates can be achieved by the models A, B and C on clean images respectively, comparable to the state of the art.
CIFAR10: ResNet18[7] is trained by us for L-BFGS and DeepFool attack. For CW attack, the model is provided by Carlini (denoted D in the Appendix). For FGSM and JSMA attacks, DenseNet[8] with depth=40 is trained. The 7.1%, 20.2%∗ and 9.9% error rates can be achieved by the models ResNet18, D and DenseNet40 on clean images respectively.
CIFAR10: ResNet18[7]是我们训练的L-BFGS和DeepFool攻击。对于CW攻击,模型由Carlini提供(在附录中用D表示)。 对于FGSM和JSMA攻击,训练深度=40的DenseNet[8]。∗和9.9%的错误率可以通过ResNet18模型实现, D和DenseNet40分别用于清洁图像。
ImageNet: We use ResNet50 one pre-trained networks for L-BFGS and DeepFool attacks. For other three attacks, another pre-trained network InceptionV3 is leveraged [25]. ResNet50 achieves the top1 error rate 24.4% and the top-5 error rate 7.2% while InceptionV3 achieves the top-1 error rate 22.9% and the top-5 error rate 6.1% on clean images.
ImageNet:我们使用ResNet50一个预先训练的网络进行L-BFGS和DeepFool攻击。对于其他三种攻击,使用了另一个预先训练过的网络InceptionV3。ResNet50的错误率达到前1的24.4%,前5的错误率为7.2% 在干净图像上,InceptionV3实现了前1的错误率22.9%和前5的错误率6.1%。
4.1.3 APE-GAN
4.1.3 APE-GAN
Three models are trained with the APE-GAN architecture on MNIST, CIFAR10 and ImageNet(denoted APEGANm, APE-GANc, APE-GANi in the Appendix). The full training set of MNIST and CIFAR10 are utilized for the training of APE-GANm and APE-GANc respectively while a random sample of 50,000 RGB inputs from the training set of ImageNet make a contribution to train the APE-GANi .
在MNIST、CIFAR10和ImageNet上使用APE-GAN架构训练了三个模型(附录中表示APEGANm、APE-GANc、APE-GANi)。利用MNIST和CIFAR10的完整训练集分别训练APE-GANm和APE-GANc,而从ImageNet的训练集中随机抽取50000 RGB输入的样本对训练 APE-GANi 。
The straightforward method to train the generator and the discriminator is update both in every batch. However, the discriminator network often learns much faster than the generator network because the generator is more complex than distinguishing between real samples and fake samples. Therefore, generator should be run twice with each iteration to make sure that the loss of discriminator does not go to zero. The learning rate is initialized with 0.0002 and Adam[9] optimizer is used to update parameters and optimize the networks. The weights of the adversarial perturbation elimination specified loss ξ1 and ξ2 used in the Eqn.12 are fixed to 0.7 and 0.3 separately.
The training procedure of the APE-GAN needs no knowledge of the architecture and parameters of the target model.
APE- gan的训练过程不需要了解目标模型的结构和参数。
4.2 Results
4.2.1 Effectiveness:
Adversarial Input Table 1 indicates that the error rates of adversarial inputs are significantly decreased after its perturbation is eliminated by APE-GAN. Among all the attacks, the CW attack is more offensive than the others, and among the three attacks of CW, the CW-L0 is more offensive. The error rate of FGSM is greater than the L-BFGS which may be caused by different target models. As it is shown in Figure 3, the aggressivity of adversarial examples can be eliminated by APE-GAN even though these is imperceptible differences between (a) and (b). In addition, the adversarial examples generated from FGSM with different X are resisted and the result is shown in Table 3 and Table 4.
从表1可以看出,通过APE-GAN消除了对抗性输入的扰动后,对抗性输入的错误率显著降低。在所有的攻击中,CW的攻击比其他的更具有进攻性,而在CW的3次攻击中,CW- 10的攻击更具有进攻性。FGSM的错误率大于L-BFGS,这可能是由不同的目标模型引起的。如图3所示,可以消除敌对的例子的攻击力APE-GAN即使这些是听不清(a)和(b)之间的差异。另外,从FGSM不同X生成的对抗性的例子是抵制和结果表3和表4所示。
Benign Input The error rate of clean images and the clean images added with random Gaussian noise is shown in Table 2. Actual details within the image can be lost with multiple levels of convolutional and down-sampling layers which has a negative effect on the classification. However, Table 2 indicates that there is no marked increase in the error rate of clean images. Meanwhile, APE-GAN has a good performance on resisting the random noise. Figure 4 shows that the perturbation generated from random Gaussian noise is irregular and all in a muddle while the perturbation obtained from the FGSM attack is regular and intentional. However the perturbation, whether regular or irregular, can be eliminated by APE-GAN.
In summary, APE-GAN has the capability to provide a good performance to various input, whether adversarial or benign, on three benchmark datasets.
4.2.2 Strong Applicability:
The experimental setup of target models indicates that there is more than one target model designed in experiments on MNIST, CIFAR10 and ImageNet respectively. Table 1 demonstrates that APE-GAN can tackle adversarial examples for different target models. Actually, it can provide a defense without knowing what model they are constructed upon. Therefore, we can conclude that the APE-GAN possesses strong applicability.
5 Discussion and Future Work
Pre-processing the input to eliminate the adversarial perturbations is another appealing aspect of the framework which makes sure there is no conflict between the framework and other existing defenses. Then APE-GAN can work with other defenses such as adversarial training together. Another method APE-GAN followed by a target model trained using adversarial training is experimented. The results on MNIST and CIFAR10 have been done shown in Table 7, 8, 9 in the Appendix. The adversarial examples leveraged in Table 9 in the Appendix are generated from Iterative Gradient Sign with N = 2. Actually, the FGSM leveraged to craft the adversarial examples of Table 8 is identical to the Iterative Gradient Sign with N = 1. Compared with Table 8, Table 9 indicates that the robustness of target model cannot be significantly improved with adversarial training. However, the combination of APE-GAN and adversarial training makes a notable defence against Iterative Gradient Sign. New combinations of different defenses will be researched in the future work.
对输入进行预处理以消除对抗性干扰是框架的另一个吸引人的方面,它可以确保框架和其他现有防御之间不存在冲突。然后,猿猴gan可以与其他防御措施一起工作,比如对抗训练。另一种方法是用敌手训练的目标模型进行实验。MNIST和CIFAR10的结果见附录中的表7、表8、表9。附录表9中使用的相反示例是由N = 2的迭代梯度符号生成的。实际上,用于制作表8的敌对示例的FGSM与N = 1的迭代梯度符号是相同的。与表8相比,表9表明对抗性训练并不能显著提高目标模型的鲁棒性。然而,猿- gan和对抗性训练的结合对迭代梯度符号有显著的防御作用。在未来的工作中将研究不同防御的新组合。
The core work in this paper is to propose a new perspective of defending against adversarial examples and to first eliminate the adversarial perturbations using a trained network and then feed the processed example to classification networks. The training of this adversarial perturbation elimination network is based on the Generative Adversarial Nets framework. Experimental results on three benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
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