
Learning Universal Adversarial Perturbations withGenerative Models



GB/T 7714 Hayes J, Danezis G. Learning universal adversarial perturbations with generative models[C]//2018 IEEE Security and Privacy Workshops (SPW). IEEE, 2018: 43-49.

MLA Hayes, Jamie, and George Danezis. "Learning universal adversarial perturbations with generative models." 2018 IEEE Security and Privacy Workshops (SPW). IEEE, 2018.

APA Hayes, J., & Danezis, G. (2018, May). Learning universal adversarial perturbations with generative models. In 2018 IEEE Security and Privacy Workshops (SPW) (pp. 43-49). IEEE.



Neural networks are known to be vulnerable to adversarial examples, inputs that have been intentionally perturbed to remain visually similar to the source input, but cause a misclassification. It was recently shown that given a dataset and classifier, there exists so called universal adversarial perturbations, a single perturbation that causes a misclassification when applied to any input. In this work, we introduce universal adversarial networks, a generative network that is capable of fooling a target classifier when it’s generated output is added to a clean sample from a dataset. We show that this technique improves on known universal adversarial attacks.



I. 介绍。

Machine Learning models are increasingly relied upon for safety and business critical tasks such as in medicine [23], [29], [39], robotics and automotive [27], [31], [38], security [2], [17], [36] and financial [13], [18], [34] applications. Recent research shows that machine learning models trained on entirely uncorrupted data, are still vulnerable to adversarial examples [7], [12], [24], [25], [33], [35]: samples that have been maliciously altered so as to be misclassified by a target model while appearing unaltered to the human eye.


Most work has focused on generating perturbations that cause a specific input to be misclassified, however, it has been shown that adversarial perturbations generalize across many inputs [7], [33]. Moosavi-Dezfooli et al. [20] showed, in the most extreme case, that given a target model and a dataset, it is possible to construct a single perturbation that when applied to any input, will cause a misclassification with high likelihood. These are referred to as universal adversarial perturbations (UAPs).

大多数的工作集中在产生扰动,导致一个特定的输入被错误分类,然而,它已经表明,对抗性扰动推广到许多输入[7],[33]。moosavie - dez愚蠢等人[20]表明,在最极端的情况下,给定一个目标模型和一个数据集,有可能构造一个单一的扰动,当应用到任何输入时,将导致高可能性的错误分类。这些被称为普遍对抗性扰动(UAPs)。

In this work, we study the capacity for generative models to learn to craft UAPs on image datasets, we refer to these networks as universal adversarial networks (UANs). This is similar to work by Baluja and Fischer [1], who studied the capacity for models to learn to craft adversarial examples. We show that a UAN is able to sample from noise and generate a perturbation such that when applied to any input from the dataset, it will result in a misclassification in the target model. Furthermore, we show perturbations produced by UANs: improve on state-of-the-art methods for crafting UAPs (Section IV-A), have robust transferable properties (Section IV-D), and reduce the success of recently proposed defenses [19] (Section V).




We define adversarial examples and UAPs along with some terminology and notation. We then introduce the threat model considered, and the datasets we use to evaluate the attack.


A. Adversarial Examples

A. 敌对的例子

Szegedy et al. [33] casts the construction of adversarial examples as an optimization problem. Given a target model, f, and a source input x, which is classified correctly by f as c, the attacker aims to find a perturbation, δ, such that x + δ is perceptually identical to x but f(x + δ) = c. The attacker tries to minimize the distance between the source image and adversarial image under an appropriate measure. The problem space can be framed to find a specific misclassification in a targeted attack, or any misclassification, referred to as a non-targeted attack.

Szegedy等人[33]将对抗性例子的构造转换为优化问题。给定一个目标模型,f,源输入x,正确分类的f c,攻击者的目标是找到一个扰动,δ,x +δ是感知相同但f (x +δ)= c。攻击者试图最小化源图像之间的距离和敌对的图像在一个适当的措施。可以对问题空间进行构造,以查找有目标攻击中的特定错误分类,或任何错误分类,称为非目标攻击。

In the absence of a distance measure that accurately captures the perceptual differences between a source and adversarial image, the p metric is usually minimized [33]. Related work commonly uses the 2 and ∞ metrics [3], [4], [6], [10], [14], [16], [20], [21], [40]. The 2 metric measures the Euclidean distance between two images, while the ∞ metric measures the largest pixel-wise difference between two images (Chebyshev distance). We follow this practice here and construct attacks optimizing under both metrics.


UAP是一个与源图像无关的对抗性扰动。给定一个目标模型,f,和一个数据集,X, UAP是扰动,δ,这样∀X∈X, X +δ是一个有效的输入和公关(f (X +δ)= f (X) = 1−τ,0 <τ< < 1。

B. Threat Model

b .威胁模型

Our attacks assume white-box access to f, as we backpropagate the error of the target model back to the UAN. In line with related work on UAPs [20], we consider a worst-case scenario with respect to data access, assuming that the attacker has knowledge of, and shares access to, any training data samples. We will not discuss the real-world limitations of that assumption here, but will follow that practice.



C. Datasets

c .数据集

We evaluate attacks using two popular datasets in adversarial examples research, CIFAR-10 [15] and ImageNet [28].


The CIFAR-10 dataset consists of 60,000, 32×32 RGB images of different objects in ten classes: airplane, automobile, bird, cat, deer, dog, frog, horse, ship, truck. This is split into 50,000 training images and 10,000 validation images. Our pre-trained models: VGG-19 [30], ResNet-101 [9], and DenseNet [11], used as the target models, score 91.19%, 93.75%, and 95.00% test accuracy, respectively. State-of-the-art models on CIFAR-10 are approximately 95% accurate.

CIFAR-10数据集包含6万,32,32 RGB图像的不同对象,10类:飞机,汽车,鸟,猫,鹿,狗,青蛙,马,船,卡车。它被分成50,000张训练图像和10,000张验证图像。我们的预训练模型:VGG-19[30]、ResNet-101[9]和DenseNet[11]作为目标模型,测试准确率分别为91.19%、93.75%和95.00%。最先进的模型在CIFAR-10大约95%的准确性。

We use the validation dataset of ImageNet, which consists of 50,000 RGB images, scaled to 224×224. The images contain 1,000 classes. The 50,000 images are split into 40,000 training set images and 10,000 validation set images. We ensure classes are balanced, such that any class contains 40 images in the training set and 10 images in the validation set. Our pre-trained models: VGG-19 [30], ResNet-152 [9], and Inception-V3 [32], used as the target models, score 71.03%, 78.40%, and 77.22% top-1 test accuracy, respectively.

我们使用ImageNet的验证数据集,它包含 5万张RGB图像,缩放到224×224。图像包含 1000类。将50,000张图像分成40,000张训练集图像和10,000张验证集图像。我们保证类是均衡的,每个类在训练集中包含40幅图像,在验证集中包含10幅图像。我们的预训练模型:VGG-19[30]、ResNet-152[9]和incepin - v3[32]作为目标模型,分别获得71.03%、78.40%和77.22%的top-1测试准确率。


III. 普遍的对抗性的网络

A. Attack Description

A. 攻击描述

Given an input x ∈ X, let the class label predicted by f be c0. For non-targeted attacks, any misclassification in the target model suffices, thus, the non-targeted attack aims to maximize the most probable predicted class other than c0. Our non-targeted loss function is adapted from works by Carlini and Wagner [4] and Chen et al. [5], and is given by:


The first term in (1), Lf s, is minimized when the adversarial predicted class is not c0. This is adapted from the Carlini and Wagner loss function [4] that introduces a confidence threshold, κ. If we want universal adversarial perturbations that cause misclassifications with high confidence, we stop minimizing only when:

当预测的对敌类不为c0时,(1)中的第一项Lf s最小。这是由Carlini和 引入置信阈值的瓦格纳损失函数[4], κ。如果我们想要引起高度可靠的错误分类的普遍对抗性扰动,只有当:

In specifying a confidence threshold for adversarial examples, (1) becomes:

在为敌对示例指定置信阈值时, (1)就变成:

For a targeted attack, we compute a universal adversarial perturbation that transforms any image to a chosen class, c. Under this setting, we optimize using the follow loss function:

对于一个有目标的攻击,我们计算一个通用的对抗性扰动,它将任何图像转换为一个选定的类c。 在此设置下,我们使用以下损失函数进行优化:


IV. 评价

A. Comparison with previous work

A. 与以往工作比较

We now compare our method for crafting UAPs with two state-of-the-art methods:


  • Moosavi-Dezfooli et al. [20] constructs a UAP iteratively; at each step an input is combined with the current constructed UAP, if the combination does not fool the target model, a new perturbation with minimal norm is found that does fool the target model. The attack terminates when a threshold error rate is met.

    • moosavi - dez愚i等[20]迭代构造UAP;在每一步,输入与当前构造的UAP相结合,如果该组合没有欺骗目标模型,则发现一个新的具有最小范数的扰动确实欺骗了目标模型。当达到阈值错误率时,攻击终止。

  • Mopuri et al. [22] develop a method for finding a UAP for a target model that is independent of the dataset. They construct a UAP by first starting with random noise and iteratively update it to over-saturate features learned at successive layers in the target model, causing neurons at each layer to output useless information to cause the desired misclassification. They optimize the UAP by adjusting it with respect to the loss term:

    • Mopuri等人[22]开发了一种为独立于数据集的目标模型寻找UAP的方法。他们构造一个UAP,首先从随机噪声开始,然后迭代更新它,使目标模型中连续层学习到的特征过于饱和,导致每一层的神经元输出无用的信息,导致所需的错误分类。他们通过根据损失项调整UAP来优化UAP:

    • L=-log(\prod\limits_{i=1}^{K}\bar{l}_{i}(\delta)),~such~that\lVert \delta\rVert_{\infty}<γ\tag{1}

Table III compares our UAN method of generating UAPs against the two attacks described above for both CIFAR-10 and ImageNet, in a non-targeted attack setting. We consistently outperform Mopuri et al.’s [22] attack and outperform the Moosavi-Dezfooli et al. [20] attack in ten of the twelve experiments.

表III比较了在非目标攻击设置下,我们生成UAPs的UAN方法与上述针对CIFAR-10和ImageNet的两种攻击的对比。我们的表现一直优于Mopuri等人的[22]攻击,也优于 moosavie - dez愚蠢等人在12个实验中的10个[20]攻击。

B. Transferability


An adversarial image is transferable if it successfully fools a model that was not its original target. Transferability is a yardstick for the robustness of adversarial examples, and is the main property used by Papernot et al. [24], [25] to construct black-box adversarial examples. They construct a white-box attack on a local target model that has been trained to replicate the intended target models decision boundaries, and show that the adversarial examples can successfully transfer to fool the black-box target model.


We also measure the capacity for a UAN to learn to fool an ensemble of target models. We trained a UAN against VGG19, ResNet-101, and DenseNet, simultaneously, on CIFAR-10, where the UAN loss function is a linear combination of the losses of each target model. From Table IV, we see that a UAN trained against an ensemble of target models is able to fool at comparable rates to single target models.

我们还测量了一个UAN去欺骗一组目标模型的能力。我们同时在ci远远10上针对VGG19、ResNet-101和DenseNet训练了一个UAN,其中的UAN损失函数是每个目标模型损失的线性组合。由表四可知,a 针对一组目标模型训练的UAN能够以与单一目标模型相当的比率愚弄。

C. GeneralizabilityC. Generalizability

c .普遍性

Fig. 2: CIFAR-10 2 targeted attack. Each figure shows the error rate as the size of the adversarial perturbation is increased. This can be interpreted as the success rate of fooling the target model into classifying any image in CIFAR-10 as the chosen class.

图2:CIFAR-10 2定点攻击。每个图都显示了敌对扰动的大小增加时的错误率。 这可以解释为欺骗目标模型将任何CIFAR-10中的图像分类为所选类的成功率。

TABLE IV: Error rates for non-targeted CIFAR-10 attack, under the ∞ metric. UAPs are constructed using row models and tested against pre-trained column models.


At the beginning of training, there is litle structural similarity between U(z1) and U(z2). Throughout training the SSIM score never increases beyond 0.8, while the MSE continually increases. While the structural similary of UAPs learned by a UAN is high, it does learn to generalize to multiple UAPs that are unique from one another. Similar effects, albeit scaled down due to the smaller image size, were found for the CIFAR-10 dataset.


Does a UAN that learns to generalize to multiple UAPs do so to the detriment of attack accuracy? We verify this is not the case by training a UAN on a fixed noise vector and comparing to a UAN trained with non-fixed noise vectors. We found similar error rates for the two settings (see Table V); there is no loss in accuracy by extending a UAN to output multiple adversarial perturbations.


D. Targeted Attacks

d .针对性的攻击

表V:对CIFAR-10的∞攻击的错误率。我们比较了固定噪声向量训练的UAN和固定噪声向量训练的UAN UAN对非固定噪声向量进行训练。

We follow the same experimental set-up as in Section IV-A, however now the attacker chooses a class, c, they would like the target model to classify an adversarial example as, and success is calculated as the probability that an adversarial example is classified as c. Figure 2 shows, for each class in CIFAR-10, the error rate of the target model as we allow larger perturbations. For nearly every class, attacks on ResNet-101 are most successful, while attacks on VGG-19 are least successful. This is in agreement with our findings in a non-targeted attack setting (cf. Table III). Despite VGG-19 being the most difficult target model to attack, it is the most well calibrated; the error rate on the training set is nearly identical to the error rate on the validation set for all classes, while there are small deviations between these two scores for ResNet-101 and DenseNet.


By looking only at results on VGG-19, one may infer that the choice of target class heavily influences the error rate (e.g. crafting UAP’s for the dog and ship classes is more difficult than others). However, this is not replicated with ResNet-101 or DenseNet. We do not observe any dependencies between attack success and the target class; the attack success at different perturbation rates is similar for all classes. Figure 4 shows this attack applied to a DenseNet target model for the CIFAR-10 dataset for all source/target class pairs. Nearly all attacks are indistinguishable from the source image.


Interestingly, all targeted attacks follow a sigmoidal curve shape. Empirically, we found that for all three target models, there existed images that were weakly classified correctly (there was almost no difference between the largest probability score and probability score at the target class) and strongly classified correctly (there was three to four orders of magnitude difference between the probability score at the largest class and the probability score at the target class). At the beginning of training, the UAN discovers a perturbation that causes misclassifications when applied to the weakly classified images, but takes longer to find adversarial perturbations for the majority of images, resulting in a long tail at the beginning of training. With a similar effect taking place at the end of training to find adversarial perturbations for strongly classified images.


E. Importance of training set size


So far, we have assumed the attacker shares full access to any images that were used to train the target model. However in practice, this may not be the case - an attacker may only have access to the type or a subsample of the training data. We therefore evaluate our non-targeted ∞ attack under stronger assumptions of attacker access to training data.


Figure 6 shows the error rate caused by a UAN trained on subsets of the CIFAR-10 training set. As expected, training on more data samples improves the success of the attack; perturbations from a UAN trained on only 50 images (5 from each class) fools 17.1% of validation set images in ResNet101. The attack is successful when applied to nearly a fifth of images while only learning from 0.1% of the training set. The attack succeeds in 80.2% of cases when trained on 20% of the training set - in other words, there is virtually no difference in test accuracy when training on between 80-100% of the training set.

图6显示了在CIFAR-10训练集的子集上训练的一个UAN造成的误码率。正如预期的那样,在更多的数据样本上训练可以提高攻击的成功率;在ResNet101中,来自一个只训练了50张图像(每个类5张)的UAN的干扰愚弄了17.1%的验证集图像。攻击成功时应用于近五分之一的图片只有学习训练集的0.1%。此次袭击成功80.2%的病例在训练训练集的20%——换句话说,几乎没有不同的测试精度,当训练训练集的80 - 100%之间。

We find no significant difference in error rates between a UAN that has been trained on many data samples and few data samples. The amount of data samples provided to the UAN does not significantly impact its ability to learn to craft adversarial perturbations, all that must be known is the structure of the dataset on which the target model was trained. We note that this is in agreement with Papernot et al.’s [25] findings on the number of source images required to launch attacks on black-box models.

我们发现a和b之间的错误率没有显著差异 在大量数据样本和少量数据样本上训练过的UAN。提供给的数据样本的数量 UAN并不会显著影响它学习制造对抗性扰动的能力,所有必须知道的是目标模型所训练的数据集的结构。我们注意到,这与Papernot等人关于发起对黑盒模型攻击所需源图像数量的[25]研究结果一致。

In addition to measuring attacker success for different training set sizes, we experimented with different batch sizes, ranging from 16 to 128, for the CIFAR-10 dataset. However, we did not observe any significant deviations in the error rate.




7:在CIFAR10上对vga -19目标模型进行无目标∞攻击和对抗性训练的猫捉老鼠游戏。上绿点为对敌图像经过对敌训练后的目标模型精度,下红叉为攻击后对敌图像的目标模型精度。虚线表示目标模型在源图像上的精度。

In our work, we verified that this is case; adversarial training eliminates UAP success. However, we find that adversarially trained models are still vulnerable to a UAN trained against the defended model.


Similarly to Hamm [8], we play a cat-and-mouse game where (1) a UAN is trained against a target model, and (2) the target model is retrained with adversial examples crafted from (1) (denoted ADV TM). This generates a sequence: UAN1 → ADV TM1 → UAN2 → ADV TM2 → UAN3 → .... We let this game play out for many rounds, and claim that if adversarial training is a defense against UAPs, over many rounds the classification error on adversarial examples should tend to zero.

Figure 7 shows such a cat-and-mouse game over 20 rounds of (1) and 20 rounds of (2). An adversarially trained target model is able to classify nearly all adversarial examples correctly, at any given round. However, attacks against adversarially retrained models are only somewhat mitigated; there is a 25% reduction is attack success between the first and final round. After this, the cycle reaches an equilibrium, with no improvement in successive attacks or defended models. We note, however, that the experimental set-up in [19] is slightly different to ours. They perform adversarial training with a strong adversary that generates data-specific perturbations and found that this makes the model robust against universal perturbations.



VI. 结论

We presented a first-of-its-kind universal adversarial example attack that uses machine learning at the heart of its construction. We comprehensively evaluated the attack under many different settings, showing that it produces quality adversarial examples capable of fooling a target model in both targeted and non-targeted attacks. The attack transfers to many different target models, and improves on other state-of-the-art universal adversarial perturbation construction methods.




Jamie Hayes is funded by a Google PhD Fellowship in Machine Learning.

杰米·海斯是由谷歌博士奖学金资助的 机器学习。



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